Design & Digital Technologies
Design and Technologies
Children will develop solutions to design problems and then create, test, evaluate and modify their designs. Children will work collaboratively with others in order to share their design ideas and critique the design ideas of others.
The Design and Technologies program will be integrated with other learning areas and will require children to use their literacy skills, as well as their understandings of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.
Digital Technologies
At Our Lady of Hope, digital technologies are used to enrich, enhance and extend all curriculum areas and we are committed to providing up-to-date technology. Our students have access to current technology and software programs, which enable them to access information and communicate ideas and designs in alternative ways. Digital technology is integrated into every subject area and children learn to use and create with digital technology. As part of the Digital Technologies program, your child will learn how to use digital systems effectively and efficiently in order to present data and communicate with others. They will learn the basic concepts of coding and computer programming in order to create a range of digital solutions to challenges. The children will also learn how to use digital technologies in a safe and ethical way in order to support them with their learning and everyday life.
Every learning space has an interactive whiteboard and children have access to networked laptops and iPads in order to support them with their learning. In Years 4-7, we support a "Bring Your Own Device" program so that children can have exclusive access to their own device for their learning.