Out of School Hours Care ( OSHC )

OSHC Times

Before School Care:  7:00am - 8:30am

After School Care:  3:05pm - 6:15pm

Vacation Care:  7:00am - 6:15pm

Before School Care (BSC)

We offer the children breakfast, which always includes hot options as porridge, toast and baked beans as well as cold options such as cereal, yoghurt and fruit. The children can then enjoy some relaxation and leisure time before they go to school. Activities for the children in the morning range from crafts, sports or playing inside with educational games. Children in Years 3 - 6 are released at 8:30am to walk to their classrooms, whilst staff members accompany all children in Reception - Year 2.

After School Care (ASC)

Children have the option of choosing from a wide range of activities for the afternoon. The activities can include sports, crafts, science, dance, homework club or cooking. A healthy snack is provided such as pizza muffins and soup during the colder months and blueberry muffins and summer fruit and custard during the warmer months.  Sandwiches and fruit are also on offer every afternoon.  The children are given some relaxation time before they head to their chosen group. After group activities, the children are able to engage in free choice leisure time until their parents collect them.

Vacation Care

During Vacation Care, our service offers a range of fun and exciting activities for children of all ages. Each school holidays the children can come along to excursions, take part in cultural experiences and enjoy the range of sports, crafts, experiments and construction. Vacation care runs from 7:00am to 6:15pm and includes breakfast, recess, lunch and a snack.

More information and enrolment forms can be found on the OSHC website