Health & Physical Education
Our school community values and nurtures healthy and active lifestyles.

The Health program is delivered by classroom teachers and focuses on teaching children about practices that promote good physical, emotional and mental health. As part of the Health program, your child will learn about developing positive relationships with others, how to resolve conflict, as well as the strategies and practices they need to adopt in order to keep themselves safe at school, in the community and online. The children will also learn about healthy eating and lifestyle practices.
The Physical Education program aims to assist children to develop the confidence and skills required in order to lead active lifestyles.
A specialist Physical Education teacher delivers a curriculum which focuses on developing children's balance, coordination and gross motor skills, including throwing, catching, hitting, kicking etc.
As part of the program, the children develop their knowledge and understanding of a range of different sports and learn how to work cooperatively as part of a team.
The Physical Education program is complimented by the children's engagement in regular class based fitness activities. Additionally, specialist sporting clinics and interschool sports events are also offered regularly throughout the year.